My thoughts on entering September…
Natalie Paddick thoughts on moving from summer into autumn & all the complexities that come with a new season …
To be honest I am not sure what I really think of this time of year, on the one hand I like it, because I like seasons.. I like to see the beautiful colours of the autumn trees & the romance of the leaves weather permitting having been dried to curly crisps by the wind, they then scuttle in all directions in the breeze… In the past, when the weather was more settled - back in the day! … I relished the dry bright cold mornings with blue skies that make for good walking weather, or just looking out the window if you can’t be bothered to go walking.
Like my daughter, I also like winter clothes, for me there is something so much more elegant, the layering of different items to make a look… I love the winter boots & the thick felt hats… The open fires always makes me feel safe… I am just so much more comfortable with more clothes than less … So for me that is another plus to the on coming season..
I am always also sad to wave goodbye to summer, if only we had a summer this year! I am particularly reluctant to part with summer this year as I have had little opportunity to use my new barbeque… Also sad to say goodbye to summer because it means so much to my husband, who loves the sun!! It is always a summer holiday choice for him, for me my favourite holiday is a ski resort …
Like most mothers, even of older children, this season means a different type of work as autumn quickly edges into winter… We are a big family with all sorts of ‘extensions’ so there is always a great deal to organise, with many birthdays leading up to Christmas & the Halloween party to organise that means so much to the children - yes even these days… It is all such a lot of work… And I must admit to sometimes, particularly when the children were younger finding the work load overwhelming.. It made me a ‘tad’ - irritable at times & I could be a bit of a humbug!! … But when we get to the end of the year & all the work is done and works well… I enjoy it! But sometimes it is just ‘the’ getting there! This year I intend to be a bit more laid back & totally enjoy the process, just let it all happen!
I am reminded of one of my friends young daughter, who having finally made it from nursery school to ‘big school’ - primary school, at the end of her first day, with all the excitement that it holds for a young child, she was asked by her grandmother; ‘How was your first day at big school?’ She shrugged her shoulders, ‘I liked it a lot, but I spent all day there - & I still can’t read’! …
Life is like that one new challenge after another …. This year I am going to take it one step at a time!