Natalie Paddick Natalie Paddick


Sometimes you have to have a bit of fun in these Lock-Downs - This is about wearing a mask & staying safe, modelled by the beautiful Tallulah - Can you imagine going out looking like this a year & a half ago? You would look like you were house breaking! Sign of the times! I bet David Cameron feels safe about saying “Hug a Hoodie” now!

A bit of Fun - Lock-Down is sending us all mad!

Sometimes you have to have a bit of fun in these Lock-Downs - This is about wearing a mask & staying safe, modelled by the beautiful Tallulah - Can you imagine going out looking like this a year & a half ago? You would look like you were house breaking! Sign of the times! I bet David Cameron feels safe about saying “Hug a Hoodie” now!

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Below you will find some blogs that came from my ‘old’ site and now some new… I hope you Enjoy…